Weekly pulse check

Every Friday, your employees receive a 3 questions survey related to the current week. A team of psychologists created questions based on research in the field of organizational psychology, which on a weekly basis cover key factors that have been proven to be directly correlated with business performance.

Direct communication

On the right side of their personal portal, employees have the option to see who has insight into their answers, but also to write a direct message to someone from the management or HR.

Real-time feedback

At the bottom of the survey, every week employees have the opportunity to further clarify their answers, communicate the challenges they are facing and leave a recommendation or suggestion.

Custom questions

Custom questions that clients create in cooperation with HC team are there to examine specific topics and segments that are important to the client at a given moment. These can be the success of certain processes, activities, organizational changes etc.


On the Employee Portal, people have the opportunity to praise each other for a great job they’ve done and build a support system. Through this you can build a culture of open feedback and strengthen the company culture. This can also be an opportunity to reward the best employee, manager or a team.

“People to keep an eye on”

"People to keep an eye on" functionality provides an instant overview of employees whose results have been extremely negative over a long period of time or have started to decline, giving the opportunity to pay attention to individuals in a timely manner. These are the employees who have a higher risk of leaving the company or further growth of dissatisfaction.

User-friendly. Straightforward.

Heartcount is your ally in preventing high turnover rates & empowering communication, all in real time.

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Everything you need to better understand your people

Collect Feedback

Collect Feedback

Answering our surveys takes around 15 seconds of your employee’s time; once a week. This will reduce a possible aversion to filling out HR-related forms and allow you to use it more effectively to gain insight in all of your relevant data. Discover a whole new way to listen to employee feedback!

Multilingual and Customizable

Multilingual & Customizable

Our software is available in 10 languages and allows all companies to adapt and customize questions and messages forwarded to their employees. It’s easy as 1,2,3 - literally!

Analyze and Predict

Analyze & Predict

Heartcount enables cost-efficient and personalized tracking through data analytics. Our tool also includes the “people to keep an eye on” feature in terms of resolving possible employee dissatisfaction causes right in the roots and right on time.

Meet Expectations in Real Time

Meet Expectations in Real-Time

With our intuitive dashboard you have access to real-time data that’s easy to understand and share. Compare and rank feedback between teams, individuals or even organizations to identify high-potential or problem areas!

Encourage peer to peer recognition

Encourage peer to peer recognition

Heartcount makes recognition fun, inclusive and immediate. With recognition being only one praise away, we can make your employees feel seen & heard by not only managers, but their coworkers too.